Inventory Management
- When viewing an asset's audit trail it will now be possible to see the changes to the data fields as well as the movements of the asset.
- The undo feature will allow you to undo more operations.
- Added drop down lists of the Manufacturer, Model and Supplier to make creating and editing assets quicker.
- Added the ability to warn you when you are using an Asset ID that is already in use when creating or editing and assets. This feature is not currently available when importing assets using the Asset Importer. This is scheduled for November release.
- Assisted merging for Agent managed PCs that have not been places based on the Name, Asset ID or Serial number.
- Simplified the creation of alerts on single assets and contracts.
- Improved view of closed and merged tickets.
- Customise the view of tickets based on priority or status.
- When copy assets between accounts using the ACM copy paste, the asset history will be transferred as well.
- Improved the selection of accounts in ACM.