New Releases and Upgrades
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:35 pm
We are delighted to release some significant upgrades to the Policy Document Manager, Helpdesk And Android Premises app. As always, our sincere thanks to the customers that have taken the time to give us feedback.
Look and feel
Android Premises app
- Email to Ticket has been created giving users’ full flexibility over how tickets are created. Schools can now create an email address for staff to email to create tickets. In addition to this, alias email addresses will be created based on sections within the account allowing multiple departments to utilise this feature.
Look and feel
- Updates to language in areas such as set up when ‘sections’ has now been changed to ‘config’ to save confusion
- When adding a user, you are able to select which group the person belongs to (and ideally a way we can do this when adding multiple users as well)
- When editing groups, you are able to mass attach users
- When adding or editing a policy, you are able to select which group or users it applies to
- A user should get an email in each of the following scenarios:
- When the my are attached to a new group
- When they are attached to a new policy
- When an existing policy they are attached to updates
- When a new policy gets added into a group they are attached to
- When they sign a policy (saying something like "this email is to confirm you have read and agree to policy XYZ if this was not done by you please contact ....."
- Another email if the Parago user chooses to re send to all users awaiting signature
- To change the words relating to whether it's "self sign" to "e-sign" as customers are finding this confusing.
- Change the buttons to add Users, groups and policies to just take you to those areas (and then have add new .... at the top of the page).
- Change the next review date field to be after the policy active from field.
- Show the field headers more clearly when editing a policy.
Android Premises app
- The todo list feature is now separate from the calendar allowing staff to update their checks at any point irrespective of how far ahead they look in the calendar.
- Swipe right to access your todolist for every asset in the ‘my account’ area of the application
- Changes to the helpdesk aesthetics to look and feel more modern and up to date